Monday, September 29, 2014

Week-8 (29-30 Sept.)-(1-3 Oct.)

Monday- Discussed rules on how electrons fill their orbitals and how the d and f orbitals of the periodic table differ from the rest.Watch world of chemistry video discussing this topic, and gave students a new packet to reinforce the New material.

Tuesday-follow-up notes on electronic configuration, noble gas notation of electron configuration, and Lewis dot structured. Link-

Wednesday- notes

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

WEEK-6 Nuclear Chemistry (8-12 September).

Monday-note and worksheet on three main types of radiation and writing nuclear decay equations. Here is the link to the notes-

Tuesday-notes and worksheet on half-life of radioactive isotopes. Here is the link to the notes-

Wednesday-worked on nuclear project in the media center.

Thursday-quiz on nuclear chemistry and worked on nuclear project.

Friday- 2nd element quiz and began presentation of projects.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Week 5- atomic structure and Periodic table (2-5 September)

Tuesday-notes on periodic table and periodicity LINK-

World of chemistry at home on the periodic table link- Scroll down to periodical table.

Wednesday-Almost There and study guide given for test to be Friday.